Carbon Neutral Scope 3 Achiever - O’right Wins CSR-ESG Award!

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The term ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) was first coined in 2005, but Taiwanese-based beauty brand O’right began implementing ESG and focusing on these issues since embarking on its green journey in 2002. Formerly known as the Global Views Monthly (GVM) CSR Award, the CSR-ESG Award fosters the transition to sustainability and incorporates environmental concerns into risk assessment, demonstrating that businesses are doing more than just pursuing profits; companies are taking real action and being socially and environmentally accountable to their business, stakeholders and the society. Charles Kao, Founder of the Commonwealth Publishing Group (left), presenting the award to Steven Ko, Founder of O’right (right) at the 18th GVM CSR-ESG Award on May 3, 2022

The world’s greenest beauty brand, O’right won the Honorary Award in the Conventional Industry Performance category for achieving carbon neutrality across its business operations, including the direct, indirect and Scope 3 emissions associated with the entire product life cycle for two years. As a six-time winner of the CSR-ESG Award and a small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME), O’right aspires to be great instead of big, sharing the 15 years of experience in becoming carbon neutral, including the opportunity to demonstrate Taiwan’s commitment towards building a circular economy at the World Climate Summit - COP25 and COP26.

Sustainability Leaders Leading Companies to Net Zero

Businesses are increasingly under pressure to assume more responsible practices with customers and investors demanding increased transparency of ESG performance. A chief sustainability officer, or CSO, is an officer responsible for a company’s environmental impact, resources and plans; they help companies evaluate their current impact on the environment and determine how to increase and expand business sustainable practices in the future. According to a report from Business Chief, Fortune 500 companies hired more CSOs in 2020 than in the previous year combined. O’right, an SME consisting of just 300 persons, has more than 3 CSOs. Since 2013, O’right has been annually publishing voluntary corporate social responsibility and corporate sustainability reports, verified and assured by a third party. O’right  incorporates TCFD reporting, implements SROI and CROI methodologies, established sustainability communities to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and initiated a carbon passbook to accelerate innovation towards carbon-negative products and services.

O’right continues the winning streak for its ESG performance

International Award Recognition in Green, Sustainability, Innovation

O’right is no stranger to winning awards. From the GVM CSR-ESG Award to the recent Green World Awards, International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva and Sustainable Beauty Awards, O’right not only demonstrates its outstanding CSR and ESG performance, but is also recognized for excellence in “Green, Sustainability, Innovation” – the deeply ingrained principles that guide O’right’s actions and serve as its cultural cornerstones, bonding the company with a shared sense of purpose for achieving the common goal of zero carbon and zero impact. Sustainability is more than just a corporate responsibility; it offers new opportunities. For innovators and early adopters, it builds competitive advantage. For the late majority, it is a necessity for survival. O’right believes that companies should have carbon footprints certified by a third party and develop carbon reduction strategies to achieve their first zero carbon products or services and combat climate change together.

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