Two Million Kilograms in Eight Years: O’right’s Green Contribution to a Zero Carbon World

Posted by Honey Whale Labs on

Covid-19, also known as the Coronavirus, is an unprecedented wake-up call for all inhabitants on earth. Regardless of who you are or where you’re from, it has and is still affecting the lives of millions of people around the world. At times like this, solidarity is humanity’s best defense. The world needs to stand together now more than ever to safeguard the future and the future of planet earth.

In 2019, Taiwanese-based beauty company O’right stood up in front of world leaders at COP25 to share its journey on measuring carbon footprint and carbon-negative product strategies. Chairman Steven Ko even went on to urge businesses to do things “the O’right way,” including measuring greenhouse gas emissions related to products, reducing carbon emissions for every product and achieving carbon neutrality for all products and in business operations. “Everything that we do and have done at O’right is not as difficult as it seems. As long as you put your heart into it, believe that you can do it,” Ko said firmly.

2020 is a critical year. This is the year in which world leaders will take key decisions on the future direction on the Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). These decisions will affect our own futures and the state of our planet for decades to come. 2020 also marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Fifty years ago, the first Earth Day ushered in a new wave of environmental consciousness and sparked conversations on environmental crisis. Fast forward to now, the fight for a clean environment and sustainable development is still continuing with increasing urgency as the impacts of climate change become more and more apparent every day. This is why the pioneer of sustainability O’right has made 2020 its zero carbon year. Since its Green Headquarters was established in 2012, O’right has reduced a whopping 1,913,054 kg of carbon dioxide emissions through green products, green building, green logistics and green actions. This equals to planting 173,914 trees. For eight years, O’right has been publishing carbon reduction reports twice a year to show that the brand is serious about its commitment to achieving zero carbon. That’s not all. Every year, O’right takes an active role in initiating carbon reduction, plastic reduction, tree planting, coastal cleanup and lights-off events. The company has also promised to achieve carbon neutrality for fifty more products and be validated carbon neutral in business operations to bring it closer to a zero carbon world.

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